Friday, July 26, 2013

Paint It Black 21st Birthday

For this 21st Birthday, we had a cozy gathering that started at Hopscotch, a Whiskey and Craft Beer Bar and Restaurant in Downtown Fullerton. And ended with dancing at the surrounding bars. Food and Drinks provided by Hopscotch, reservations highly recommended. Event Planner and decorations made by Lauren Anderson. Photography provided by Mackenzie Mangels.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sheryl & Peter Wedding and Reception October 2011

Make It Your Own

As I continue my journey into the world of design and event planning I look for the one thing designers want to accomplish. Is it mood, a theme, trendy, functional, personal? I want to help others "make it your own", for we as individuals get sucked into the daily grind of always being the same. We live in the same cookie cutter homes, we envision the same commerical weddings and events, and we buy the same over processed food. I sometimes wonder if I followed the right path instead of the left, would I be more successful? I've realized over the years that rather than trying to follow a color scheme, I enjoy designing for the mood. The mood can be volatile at times, but it can put you at ease the instant you enter a space. Let me design for your mood, is it a relaxing beach, a Disney movie, or a big city industry standard? In the end you'll be happier and at peace when you make it your own. (The above picture is a tape installation I did, in a room I rent in Anaheim. I didn't like the wall color and initally wanted to paint but after time and budget was considered I decided that a horizontal effect would welcome me into a space with high ceilings.)